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Welcome to High Street Surgery Lurgan
Take a look around our website to find information about health and care services for you and your family
High Street Surgery Lurgan
Prescriptions line (24 hours):
(028) 3832 2189
Take a look around our website to find information about health and care services for you and your family
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High Street Surgery Lurgan
60 High Street
Co. Armagh
Northern Ireland
BT66 8BA
Call: (028) 3832 4591
Out of hours
The Doctors are members of SAUCS Out-of-Hours GP Co-Operative, as are all the Doctors in the Craigavon locality.
In the event of an Out of Hours Emergency telephone the Surgery:
Lurgan (028) 3832 4591
The Surgery answering machine will give out the contact number of the Co-Operative. Alternatively you may phone the Co-Operative directly:
Craigavon 028 3839 9201
When you contact the Out-of-Hours Emergency Service, all phone conversations are recorded.
N.B. This service is only for emergencies that cannot wait until the Surgery reopens. © 2025